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We created the following two services for organizations moving to cloud computing platforms. These compliment the conversion services we provide via the Open-Issue consulting team:

Risk Assessments

Approach plans, risk assessments and readiness analysis are all too often reactive efforts in cloud conversions. Our reports and consultation services provide stakeholders a detailed view of the work ahead, allowing for improved decision making during vendor selection or project consideration stages. Our assessment service follows a proven model for fast and effective measurement of environmental variables, and follows this 5 step process:

Initial Interview: In this 60 minute interview we cover the basics on our overall process, our surveys and data collection, privacy and security. We explore at a high level the various stakeholders and data systems/sources being dealt with. We discuss the logistics of moving files and sending people digital surveys to complete. Read more..

Surveys & Data Analysis: This second step involves several pieces; We design and send surveys to the various stakeholders and collect the results. We ingest sample data into our analysis system and then do a deep dive on both survey and data results. This is the most involved part of our risk assessment process. Here at least 2 analysts review, assess and interpret the information being presented. Read more..

Report Creation: In this third step we draw from the survey results and data analysis findings to assemble your custom risk assessment report. Read more..

Executive Review: In this 60 minute meeting with the executive sponsor, we review the report at a high level and design the attendee list and agenda for the technical review. Here the sponsor can decide what to focus on and who to include in the 5th step of our process. Read more..

Technical Review: This final step places our analysts in a focused review of specific report and project areas. This 120 minute meeting is meant to be both technical and tactical. We provide a more in depth and tailored discussion of our analysis and explore application of this report to your project. While this is limited to 2 hours, additional hours and subsequent meetings can be booked and are priced individually. Read more..

Intended Audience:
Risk Assessment services are intended for organizations early in the technology selection process. Ideally a general direction has been set (possibly 1 favored vendor, maybe 2) and ideally before the selection of a Solution Integration (SI) Partner. Part of the value of our service is to inform clients on how to interview SI and technology vendors. To help us determine if your project is a good fit for this assessment service, complete this online survey and we will respond within 24 hours.

Pricing: Risk Assessment services are fixed price engagements and include 3 stakeholders and one data source in the analysis. Technical review meetings (step 5) can be extended at an hourly rate. The start to finish process typically takes 2 business weeks and require active and timely stakeholder involvement.

Project Accelerators

Momentum and change management are often neglected factors in cloud implementations. The following services allow a project team to augment implementations, either as part of the plan or as a mid-stream intervention:

Testing/UAT: We can help test and improve a test conversion by bringing our structured test and change-management methodology to projects. We work with any level of requirements, take on testing of the environment, create documented issues and provide a triage process allowing for stakeholders to go/no-go a test conversion. In defining minimum viable product, we enable feature trimming, release iterations, pauses when needed and a higher probability of a successful go-live.

Go-Live Planning: How will you get this plane out of the basement? The practical steps involved in cut-over, integrations moves, user prep and legacy systems are complex and require multi-actor coordination. We have worked with all major SaaS service providers and implemented many of their technologies for large and small clients. We are able to work with partners and keep the client both informed, and in control.

Intended Audience: Accelerator services are intended as delivery lead enabler services. They are ideally being folded into a project team during planning, and alternatively can be folded into projects mid-stream. They typically require an existing delivery lead to be in place for optimal effect.

Pricing: Accelerator services are priced on a per-week flat rate basis. For more information, fill out the request form to the right.